
Hokonui Rūnanga

The takiwā centres on the Hokonui region and includes a shared interest in the lakes and mountains between Whakatipu-Waitai and Tawhitarere with other Murihiku Rūnanga and those located from Waihemo southwards.


Waka: Tākitimu, Uruao
Tūtemakohu, Te Rakitauneke
Moana: Ara a Kiwa
Maunga: Ōparure
Awa: Mataura
Whenua: Maruawai
Taniwha: Ko Mata-mata te mokai o Te Rakitauneke
Rere (waterfall): Te Au-nui Pihapiha Kanakana
Puke: Hoka-nui, Kowhaka-ruru, Tarahau-kapiti
Whare: O Te Ika Rama, also known as Hokonui
Marae: Ō Te Ika Rama
Iwi: Waitaha, Ngāti Mamoe


Te Paroparo o Te Whenua was the important ancestor who discovered the resource.

The figure represented at the gateway of the marae was Tutemakohu, a Ngāti Māmoe chief, known to be prominent in battles with Kai Tāhū and a relative of another Māmoe chief Te Rakitauneke.


Web site: http://www.hokonuirunanga.org.nz/
Address: 140 Charlton Road, PO Box 114, Gore 9740
Phone: (03) 208 7954
Email: hokonui@xtra.co.nz
Google Map: here