
Mangamaunu Marae

Mangamaunu marae is north of Kaikōura township on the coast south of Mangamaunu itself. The primary hapu for this marae are Ngāti Kuri and Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura of Ngāi Tahu.

The marae was gifted by the elders of Kaikōura for a church reserve in 1890, and the St. Francis Church was subsequently opened there. The wharenui, Hohepa, was opened in 1915; it was named after a Māori acolyte (Hohepa) who brought Catholicism to the Kaikōura Māori. The Mangamaunu area is extremely significant to Ngāti Kuri. It was once known as Kaiwhare, or ‘food bowl’, because of its bountiful supply of kai from both the land and the sea.


Maunga: Manakau, Rangiatea
Awa: Tahapuku, Waimangarara
Kainga tuturu: Hapenui
Rangatira: Wahaaruhete
Whare tupuna: Hohepa
Marae: Haumi
Hapu: Ngati Hinekura, Ngati Moruka
Iwi: Rapuwai, Waitaha , Ngati Mamoe, Ngati Kuri, Ngai Tahu


Ka titiro whakarunga ki ngā Maunga tapu, Ko Manakau rāua ko Rangiatea
Ka titiro whakararo ki ngā Awa e rere ana, Ko Tahapuku rāua ko Waimangarara
Karanga mai rā ki tō tātou nei Rangatira , a Wahaaruhe, Tēnā koe.
Ki ngā Hapū, Ko Ngāti Hinekura rāua ko Ngāti Moruka , Tēnå kōrua
Ki ngā Mana Whenua , Ko Rapuwai, rātou ko Waitaha, Ko Ngati Mamoe, Ko Ngāti Kurī, Ngāi Tahu , Nei rā ngā mihi.

Ki tō tātou nei Whare Tīpuna ō mua, Ko Parikarangaranga ki Mangamaunu, Tū mai rā
Ka huri aku kamo ki tō tātou nei Whare ō naianei, a Hōhepa, Ki tō tātou Marae ki Mangamaunu, a Haumi, Kei te mihi.
Ka maumahara tonu ki ngā urupa ō Mamoe, rātou ko Papanui, Ko Panepane, Ko Otaunaha, Ko Ohau, Ko Mangamaunu .
Tīhei Mangamaunu e!