School Marae and Wharenui

Most of details on this page have been provided by the Ministry of Education on December 19 2019. The list was complied by searching the database of buildings as schools are not legally obliged to state if they have a marae. Cashmere High School for example is no on the Ministry of Education list, but is physically there.


Cashmere High School


Te Iringa O Kahukura

172 Rose Street,
Christchurch 8024
Ph: 03-332 9129
Google Map – here

Mairehau High School

Block M Wharenui


Shirley Boys High School

Marae: Oraka. It has now been decommissioned when the school moved to the current location. It has been replaced with a Wharenui called the ‘whare’.

209 Travis Road, New Brighton, Christchurch 8083



Rangiora High School

Te Ara ki te Matauranga.

Breens Intermediate

Block 2

Mountainview High School

C Block C Whenua and D Block D – Hiwi


Kaikoura High School

Whare wananga

Otago Southland

Brockville School


Aparima College

BOT Wharenui

East Otago High School



Parklands School

Room 14

Nelson Central School

Block G, Wharenui